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Developer is a Developer Owned and Governaned community.

Members of the DAO are able to exercise their Governance rights by submitting proposal through our Developer DAO Improvement Proposal [DDIP] process.

How does the DDIP process work?​


Most governance discussions before a Proposal should take place on the official Developer DAO forum. This is to ensure the community has all the information it needs to make an informed decision about proposals and to provide transparency into what was decided, what was done, and why. Certain discussions, which are often cross-stream governance discussions, would also take place in the weekly DAO Coordination call or at community-wide Town Halls.

Discussions are not required but strongly recommended, as transparent Governance is essential to a healthy DAO.


Any member can post a DDIP to the forum for debate using this template 3. The proposal should be posted to the Proposals forum category 1 with the title β€œDRAFT - Insert Proposal Name”.

Once the below requirements are met, any existing member of the Governance allowlist can elevate the proposal to SnapShot for a binding vote.

Quorum Requirement: A minimum of 50% of existing members of the Governance allowlist must comment on the proposal.

Time requirement: A minimum of 120 hours must pass before a proposal can be elevated from the Forum to Snapshot.


Only DDIPs that have successfully met the requirements for the Forum discussion can be elevated to Snapshot. Snapshot votes use the same template as the Forum discussion however their title should be updated to β€œP:NUMBER - Proposal Name” and must include a vote of all DAO members with the following options:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Abstain

To pass, Snapshot votes require needs a simple majority.

All successful DDIPs must be shared with the Foundation supervisor and directors on the following email address to check for legality before execution and for records to be kept at the Foundation:,

Quorum requirement: A minimum of 2% total circulating $CODE will constitute a quorum.

Time requirement: A minimum of 120 hours (5 days) must pass before a voting decision can be determined.

Edge Cases​

Conflicts of interest​

Members are expected to abstain from votes that directly benefit themselves (i.e. voting to pass a budget request that rewards them). Such violations will render votes invalid unless corrected before the Snapshot vote ends.

Conflicting proposals​

Conflicting proposals are proposals that are active at the same time and address the same issue.

In the case of a conflicting proposal, the 5-day proposal discussion period can also serve as a time for community members to provide their preferred alternative.

If a conflict still exists at the end of the discussion period, a Snapshot vote will be put forward that includes all the possible options from the conflicting proposals.